Benefits of Membership

Benefits of Membership

Become a member of the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality and receive benefits such as:

  • A subscription to Spiritus
  • Access to online Society information
  • Invitations to Annual Meeting events
  • Ability to post information about your scholarship on the SSCS blog Christian Spirituality Studies.

The Society welcomes to membership all who share the Society’s interest in the study of Christian spirituality, a growing ecumenical, interdisciplinary, and academic field. Students are invited to join at a reduced rate.

Those interested in becoming members may do so through Johns Hopkins University Press, which publishes the Society’s journal, Spiritus, sent to all members. Membership dues include a subscription to Spiritus.

Members receive the journal; an annual mailing preceding the Annual Meeting; invitations to special events of the Society held before and during the AAR; and information on smaller, bi-annual meetings focused on specific themes and usually held outside the United States. Members are also encouraged to participate in the Society’s work by attending the annual Business Meeting, nominating members of the Board of Directors, and proposing topics for sessions held during the AAR and bi-annual meetings.

To join the SSCS or renew your membership click here.

Photo of Annie PAN Yi Jung


Christian spirituality can be found in the curriculum of many Chinese Protestant seminaries but as a relatively new discipline. Since the turn of this century, it is most encouraging to see an increasing awareness of the importance of Christian spirituality for pastoral ministry and personal growth among pastors and lay Christians in the Chinese Protestant churches. Because the SSCS is an international community of scholars, it serves as a significant resource for new quests in Christian spirituality in the global community. The SSCS will also benefit from the multi-perspectival participation of scholars in China and other countries where Christian spirituality studies are an emerging discipline. I believe the SSCS will manifest in its future development a rich diversity and unity of Christian spirituality.


Annie Pan Yi Jung
Assistant Professor (Practical Studies)
China Graduate School of Theology, Hong Kong