Member Resources


  • Membership Directory
    • Access the Directory to search for members. Only current members can log in to the directory. If you’re able to log in, your membership is current.
  • Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality
    • Access Spiritus online.
    • If accessing Spiritus for the first time: You must create a user name and password on this page. You will use this user or login name and password each time you want access to the full text of an article in either HTML or PDF format.
    • More information about accessing Spiritus online is available, including directions on retrieving your user name and password and getting online access.
  • Christian Spirituality Studies Blog
    • To post to the blog, submit an article abstract, conference paper, or course syllabus to the blog moderator, Jonas Barciauskas. You may also submit information about your dissertation if it is open access or about a newly published book.
    • Access the Blog.
  • SSCS on Facebook