Christian Spirituality Studies Blog

IRC Newsletter 6 2024

From Rev. André Brouillette, SJ, PhD/STD, International Relations Committee Chair:

We are happy to share the sixth annual IRC Newsletter. It includes news of international developments, publications and conferences in the study of Christian Spirituality, reported by SSCS international members. The news this year pertains to Canada, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Rome, Texas, Ireland, and Myanmar/Thailand. Enjoy!

The link to the newsletter is on this page. 


Book: The Heart at the Heart of the World: Re-visioning the Sacred Heart for the Ecozoic Era, by Mary Frohlich

Devotion to the Sacred Heart has been a practice within the Catholic tradition for centuries. In The Heart at the Heart of the World, Mary Frohlich shows how this form of spirituality can still be profoundly relevant in this time of ecological crisis. Here is the publisher's introduction:

Traditional forms of devotion to the Sacred Heart, also known as the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have waned among Catholics in recent decades. Here, Mary Frohlich, a sister of the Sacred Heart, seeks to reinterpret this traditional devotion as central to Christian spirituality in the 21st century. Facing...

Essay: John of the Cross and Emmanuel Lévinas: The Quest for God beyond Being, by David B. Perrin

In this essay, David Perrin shows how a comparison between the writings of twentieth century philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas and sixteenth century mystical theologian John of the Cross on God and life can lead to theological insights about God beyond traditional abstract formulations. Here is the essay's abstract:

John of the Cross (1542-1591), a Christian theologian and Catholic priest born in Spain, lived through the worst of the Spanish Inquisition. Emmanuel Lévinas (1906-1995), a Jewish philosopher and layman born in Lithuania, lived through the 1917 Russian Revolution and the collapse...

Article: Catherine of Siena on persons created in God’s image: Basis for a spiritual path, by Diana L. Villegas

In this article, the author Diana L. Villegas shows how Augustine's teaching on person as image of God informed Catherine's own teaching on the spiritual journey, a journey made possible by God's love. Here is the article's abstract:

The belief that persons are images of God offers powerful constructs for imagining and thinking about a spiritual journey. What about; who we are makes a relationship possible with God? What are the goals of a spiritual journey given who we are to God? Catherine of Siena’s wisdom regarding persons as images of God offers answers to these questions. This study...

Book: Studying Christian Spirituality, 2nd edition, by David Perrin

The second edition of David Perrin's Studying Christian Spirituality has just been published. Here is Perrin's introduction to the book:

David Perrin's Studying Christian Spirituality, 2nd edition, Routledge (2024) proposes a framework to discover how spirituality can be understood beyond the conventional boundaries that religions have established.

Its nine chapters discuss a wide variety of issues and questions, which include: definitions of spirituality; the impact of models of God; human-spiritual development; the importance of context; historical criticism; anthropology...

Dissertation: Union and communion: The mystical spirituality of James Hudson Taylor (1832-1905), by Judy Elise Lam

Judy Lam's doctoral thesis explores the mystical teachings of James Hudson Taylor, a British Protestant missionary in China. By placing Taylor's spiritual writings within the Christian mystical tradition, Lam shows how his mysticism was essential to understanding his missionary work. Here is Lam's introduction:

James Hudson Taylor, the founder of the China Inland Mission (CIM) in 1865, was one of the most prominent 19th century British Protestant missionaries in China. Despite his profound influence on Chinese Church history, Protestant missions, and the ‘faith missions’ movement, his...

Article: From Ecotheology to Ecospirituality in Laudato sí—Ecological Spirituality beyond Christian Religion, by Teresa Messias

In this open access article, Teresa Messias argues for the close relationship between the ecotheology of Laudato sí and ecospirituality. Furthermore, she sees the possibility of Pope Francis's Ecumenical letter leading to substantive connections with other non-Christian spiritualities. Here is the article's abstract:

This article discusses the notion of ecotheology, its origins and the conceptual framework of meaning, particularly within Christian theology, in order to establish its relation to the notion of ecospirituality. The article researches how ecological theology may ground an...

Article: To Live Is Not Enough: Integration – The Task of the Authentically Human, by David B. Perrin

In this article, David Perrin argues that contemporary emphasis on personal productivity in our society neglects our need to realize a more wholistic sense of self. Here is his open access article's abstract:

In today’s world of mechanization, unbridled intellectualism, and a focus on rational knowing, there is a need to recapture the primordial sense of what it means to be human – that is, the worth of the totality of the individual and not just his or her function or role within some complex structure that does not recognize each person’s uniqueness or individuality. This article...

Article: Mysticism as a Dimension of Christian Spirituality, by Diana L. Villegas

This newly published article by Diana Villegas offers definitions of mysticism, spirituality, and Christian spirituality which draw on selected texts by early Christian authors. Here is the article's abstract:

Mysticism and spirituality have acquired broad, interdisciplinary meanings. In this essay I return to the early Christian origins of mysticism to understand the meaning of this experience as a dimension of Christian spirituality. After addressing definitions of spirituality in our pluralistic culture, I argue that mysticism should be an essential part of Christian spirituality.


Syllabus: Contemplative Practices through the Arts, by Tyanna Yonkers and Cheryl H. Hooks

SSCS member Professor Tyanna Yonkers co-created this syllabus with Professor of Fine Arts Cheryl H. Hooks for a course offered at the University of Mount Olive. Here is the course description:

The purpose of this interdisciplinary course, Contemplative Practices through the Arts, is to provide the student with the opportunity to develop a personal spiritual formation through an increased knowledge and use of contemplative practices and creative exercises in art, music and theater.

Here is an article about the course.

SSCS members may request a copy by emailing the blog moderator J...

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