Article: To Live Is Not Enough: Integration – The Task of the Authentically Human, by David B. Perrin

In this article, David Perrin argues that contemporary emphasis on personal productivity in our society neglects our need to realize a more wholistic sense of self. Here is his open access article's abstract:

In today’s world of mechanization, unbridled intellectualism, and a focus on rational knowing, there is a need to recapture the primordial sense of what it means to be human – that is, the worth of the totality of the individual and not just his or her function or role within some complex structure that does not recognize each person’s uniqueness or individuality. This article suggests that the movement toward this rediscovery would be helped by a rediscovery that the human person is called to be alive as a unified whole in a community of belonging, a being who needs to be integrated with all aspects of his or her self, and not just those parts which are functional in the interests of a production-oriented culture. While transformative communities of belonging assist and support the integrative process, transactional communities of belonging tend to reinforce a sense of homelessness, lack of meaning, and personal isolation.

Perrin, David B. "To Live Is Not Enough: Integration – The Task of the Authentically Human," Vinayasādhana: Dharmaram Journal of Psycho-Spiritual Formation, 14, no. 2 (2023): 10-22. 

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