The first syllabus added to the CSS blog (!), it provides the outline for a course taught by Carla Mae Streeter, OP, professor emerita at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Missouri. SSCS members can request copies of the syllabus by sending a request to the blog moderator. Here’s the course description:
The course is a systematic study of the two-fold foundation of an integrated, incarnational spirituality: the anthropological component and the grace component. Central to the course is the study of conversion in its religious, moral, psychic, and intellectual forms. Grace, Theological and Moral Virtue will be explored, as they engage the human, as well as the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Fruits, Charisms, and the Beatitudes. Religious phenomena of our day, such as the occult, new agism, and fundamentalism will be addressed. Contemporary spiritual writers will be evaluated.
- j.barciauskas's Blog
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