November 15-17: Resurrection in the Age of Uncertainty:
A Conference in Honor of Sandra Schneiders, IHM
The Institute for the Study of Contemporary Spirituality | Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, TX
In-Person and Online Options Available: Register here.
Every couple of years, the Institute for the Study of Contemporary Spirituality honors a distinguished scholar that has significantly contributed to the academic discipline of spirituality. Past honorees include Dr. Bernard McGinn (2018) and Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI (2020).
This November, we have the honor of hosting a conference in celebration of a globally recognized woman who helped define the contemporary field and whose work is foundational in understanding the contemporary landscape of the discipline.
Join us in person or online as we listen to Dr. Schneiders as well as a diverse gathering of voices who have built upon her work. We will also host two critical conversations discussing the history of the field and where some next generation scholars envision possibilities for its future.
Please note that all times are Central USA time zone.
The conference begins Wednesday, November 15 at 7 PM.
The conference ends Friday, November 17 at 12 PM.
Sandra Schneiders, I.H.M., S.T.D. Professor Emerita, Jesuit School of Theology
Lauren Winner, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Christian Spirituality, Duke Divinity School
Nancy Pineda-Madrid, Ph.D. Professor and T. Marie Chilton Chair of Catholic Theology, Loyola Marymount University
Timothy H. Robinson, Ph.D. Alberta H. and Harold L. Lunger Associate Professor of Spiritual Disciples and Resources, Brite Divinity School
Amanda Kaminski, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Theology, Philosophy, & Classical Language, Texas Lutheran University
Sophia Park, SNJM, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Philosophy, Holy Name University
November @ AAR: Special Film Screening and Panel Discussion of the documentary film SABBATH by Martin Doblmeier.\
The event will feature a partial clip of the film, to screen the entire film click here.
Full schedule and more details of all of the SSCS happenings at AAR will be coming soon on the Annual Meetings page.