Spirituality Studies & Research Organizations
- Center for the Academic Study of Christian Spirituality (CASCS)
The Center for the Academic Study of Christian Spirituality (CASCS) is a research network for scholars located at the Theological Faculty of the University of Zurich. The aim of the Center is to support and coordinate research and education in the area of Christian spirituality.
- INTAMS: International Academy for Marital Spirituality
Founded in Belgium in 1989, drawing on the intellectual and cultural heritage of Christianity, and dedicated to the study of the meaning of marriage in contemporary society. Publishes the semi-annual journal INTAMS Review: Journal for the Study of Marriage & Spirituality.
- The International Network for the Study of Spirituality (INSS)
The INSS is a unique international network for people interested in bringing the study of spirituality to life through research, scholarship, education and practice. Founded in 2010 (as the British Association for the Study of Spirituality), we support and encourage the study of spirituality through our journal (Journal for the Study of Spirituality), biennial conferences, special interest groups and other events.
- The Spirituality Insitute for Research and Education (SpIRE)
This Irish institute has been established to serve the spiritual seeking of people. It emphasises the value of the academic study of spirituality in higher education, and spirituality in society and the professions.
- Titus Brandsma Institute
Founded in 1968 on the basis of a cooperation agreement between the Catholic University of Nijmegen and the Dutch Carmelite Province, the Titus Brandsma Institute is a centre for academic research into the foundations, history and significance of Jewish and Christian mysticism and spirituality. Publishes the annual journal Studies in Spirituality.
Syllabi Collection
This collaboration between the Wabash Center, the American Academy of Religion (AAR), and the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) makes available nearly 1000 syllabi submitted by professors in a wide variety of subfields in religious and theological studies.
Library Catalogs
- Libweb
Libraries around the world - Library of Congress
This great library's latest effort at making their collections more easily searched. - HOLLIS
Because of Harvard's extensive holdings, its online library catalog serves as an excellent searching tool.
Open Access Books and Journals
- Digital Public Library of America
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- HathiTrust
HathiTrust is a partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
Scholarly Societies
- American Academy of Religion
- Catholic Theology Society of America
- College Theology Society
- Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies
ATLA Library Guide to Resources
- Websites on Religion
An excellent resource list organized by categories: World Religions, Sacred Texts, Intersections (e.g., Capital Punishment, Immigration), Teaching/Learning, Collecting & Connecting.
Rev. 1/17/22